Not every man wants to marry a bimbo or a blonde. For more on this theory, check out Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women (Simon & Schuster; Hardcover; 256 pages; $24) by Christine B. Whelan. Through her research, Whelan discovered that “90% of high-achieving men want a woman who is as or more intelligent than they are.” This book is a must-read for female savionaires who are SWANS (Whelan’s term for Strong Women Achievers, No Spouse). Male savionaires, since you prefer brains and already know that SWANS have more fun, then read this book so that you can learn more about your future wife.
If you are sick of the dating scene because you have encountered one too many jerks, then reading How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk (McGraw-Hill; Hardcover; 288 pages; $22.95) by Dr. John Van Epp should be at the top of your “To Do” list. Van Epp states that there are five important categories that determine a successful relationship: Know, Trust, Rely, Commit, and Touch. If all of these “emotional equalizers” are in balance, then you have the makings of a successful relationship. If not, then you have the recipe for a disaster.