Savionaires love to travel, but the terrible economy has become the major factor in deciding whether to take a summer vacation or a staycation. If you are fortunate enough financially to vacation in a different county this summer, you want to make sure that you know the tipping policy.
Conde Nast Traveler’s A Guide to Tipping Around the World is a resource for common tipping policies for restaurants, hotels, guides and drivers, and other situations. For example, in Indonesia, Chile, and Costa Rica, the tip is included on the bill, but in Italy, South Africa, Argentina, and Canada, it is not. The Tipping Tips app is very comprehensive. For general tipping policies just for the States, check out A Cheat Sheet for Tipping Do’s and Dont’s. I am sure some savionaires forget to tip 10% for sushi takeout or mistakenly tip for a rental car roadside service visit.
Thema’s Tip: As a general rule, it is better to over tip than to under tip. Nobody likes a cheap tipper.